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NACUSO Marketplace Provider

Organization Name: CU*Answers
NACUSO Membership: Platinum
Year Formed: 1970
Description of Your Services: Credit Union Service Organization offering a full suite of products, focused primarily on core processing, online and mobile banking, and managed services.
Services You Provide:
Accounting Services:Services for Credit UnionsServices for CUSOs
Auto Lending:Servicing Auto LoansSoftware for Auto Lending
Business Lending:Software for Business Lending
Collection Services:Collection Services for Credit UnionsSoftware for Collection Services
Consulting Services:Regulatory Advocacy and AdviceOperational Services (Consulting)Strategic Planning
Credit Card Lending:Servicing Credit Card LoansSoftware for Credit Card Lending
IT Services:Proprietary Core IT ServicesIT Support for Non-Core SoftwareSoftware DevelopmentHome BankingArtificial Intelligence/Bot InterfaceMobile BankingIT Services Platform Design and IntegrationWebsite DevelopmentCyber SecurityConsulting for IT Services
Mortgage Lending:Servicing Mortgage LoansTitle Agency/Escrow/Settlement ServicesSoftware for Consumer Mortgage Lending
Operational Services:Management, Training and Operational SupportInternal AuditsMarketing ServicesCall CenterDisaster Recovery ServicesBusiness Continuity ServicesRecord Retention ServicesSale, Lease or Servicing of Computer Hardware or Software
Payments:Payment Item Processing
Student Lending:Software for Student Lending
Unsecured Lending:Servicing Unsecured LoansSoftware for Unsecured Lending
Why should a credit union use your services?: CU*Answers offers expertise in implementing technical solutions to operational needs, and is a leader in helping credit unions form strategic alliances and partnerships. CU*Answers provides a wide variety of services for credit unions including its flagship CU*BASE® processing system (online and in-house) and Internet development services featuring It’s Me 247 online and mobile banking. Additional services include web development, network design and security, image check processing, lending consulting, data analytics, and more. Founded in 1970, CU*Answers is a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO providing services to credit unions.
Number of Credit Union Customers: 187
Percentage of Users/Customers that are Credit Unions: 99
Are You a CUSO?: Yes
Are there investment opportunities for credit unions?: Yes
Describe Your Business Model:Fee for services.Cost containment through economies of scale.
Are you currently seeking additional users/customers?: Yes
Do you offer discounts or other benefits for NACUSO Members?: No
Website Link:
Contact Information:Scott CollinsEVP of National Sales and Marketplace Relationships6000 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546800-327-3478 Ext.
Additional Information:

In addition to being a core processing provider with countless ancillary services to support credit unions, CU*Answers also offers CU*BASE Servicer Edition, a platform for CUSOs and businesses offering account management services. If your organization provides account services for mortgages, investments, participation loans, or credit card accounts, but is limited by your existing toolset, CU*BASE SE will give you the power of a network to expand your business.

Would you like to offer new products and services? What about adding online and mobile banking technologies to your account servicing? Do you need marketing and collaborative sales technologies to help your clients market to their members? Do you need to reach more credit unions directly? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be the perfect candidate for CU*BASE SE.

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